& ways to come out of your stress

7 Effective Ways To De-Stress Yourself

This whole lockdown situation has taken a toll on the mental health of so many people.

Like, longer working hours, meetings, and deadlines. It’s crucial to understand that YOU ARE NOT ALONE and the entire world is fighting towards this.

Feeling stressed is not a disease it’s a mental phase. So, you need not worry, I got your back. Now, take a deep breath and have a glance on the ways to De-stress.

Here I am listing things which helped me to De-stress 🙂

Develop a new hobby

They bring a sense of fun and freedom. Invest your time in the things you love, sure you won’t regret it! Try and develop that hobby as your skill.

For example; if you are interested in drawing, watch tutorial videos which teaches the techniques to enhance your drawing skill. Or else you can try out different styles in a drawing which will give you a sense of exploring.

Have a proper sleep cycle and diet

Adequate sleep is crucial for both mind and body. When you have a proper cycle, it gives you a sense of self-discipline and organized routine.

In health-wise, sleep involves healing and repair of blood vessels. It helps you to re-energize and work more efficient as well as productive. A good nutritious diet is crucial for a healthy lifestyle. Having a balanced diet will strengthen your body`s immune system and keeps your mood stable.

Connect with your loved ones

Talk your heart out. Good relationships make us feel safe, loved, and provide a sense of belonging.

Open and honest communication creates a feel-good atmosphere which will make feel happy from inside.

Take breaks

Adequate breaks help you improve your performance. You can cook, draw or meditate.

These can rejuvenate you from inside. Make sure your breaks are relaxing your mind and body. Taking breaks in between your working hours is crucial.

For example; it can be five minutes of stretching or walking or meditating.

Practice Gratitude

“A grateful heart is the magnet for miracles”

And look for the brighter sides in every situation possible. Don’t ever let the negativity to get into your mind. Make sure that you be positive in every situation possible.

Be grateful for those little things in your life and count your blessings as this will always keep your body and soul refreshed.

Unplug yourself from digital media

Researchers have proved that most of our stress arises by checking our social media constantly. Make sure you take your time and stay away from the gadgets. That will make you feel peaceful from inside which will help you to work more efficient than before.

Remember this whenever you check Social Media, Your just seeing one side of them, So you need not take it to heart.

Speak or write your heart out

You know, you have the most powerful and amazing person by your side!

Wondering who is that? That`s none other than YOU.

Go and stand in front of the mirror speak your heart out in front of the most promising person.

Or else take a pen and paper, start penning down how you feel. This will make your heart to feel lighter than ever.

Infusing these in your routine will surely help you to De-stress which will eventually make you feel happier. I really hope these above rituals brought you an idea.

Thank you for reading.

Picture by Nik Shuliahin

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